I would guess that most of the exJW's who post here have gone through the feelings you are going through now. Each of us has our own story of how our search for a replacement belief system led us to where we are.
In the first few months after realizing that the WTS wasn't the truth, I searched for truth about "God" in mainstream Protestant religion. I met really nice people there, but my search for a higher power wasn't satisfied. Over the years (18 since I left the WTS), I've become less interested in trying to identify a transcendent power and become more interested in being true to myself. One thing you must remember as you seek your own direction is that it is your own. That's the best part. The freedom to investigate all avenues of spiritual inquiry or no avenues of spiritual inquiry, without a trace of guilt. Freedom is a beautiful thing.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College